Grant Applications - are welcomed from non-profit making or charitable organisations who work to within the parish/community to develop or enhance facilities available, or who contribute to the well-being of parishioners. See Parish Council Policies for full details of the criteria. Apply by 15 November 2024
Steve Parker has retired - there is now a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - contact the Clerk for more information
Annual Parish Meeting - save the date - Wednesday 29 May - update on Neighbourhood plan
NSC Volunteer of 2023 - make a nomination by 28 March 2024
Community Speed Watch? Contact Cllr John Dean if you would like to volunteer
Following the resignation of Graham Scopes, Donna Harris has been Co-opted to the Parish Council
Jocelyne Rimbon-Whittaker and Alison Staite have been co-opted as a Parish Council and we welcome them both. The Parish Council now has its full membership of 9 Councillors
We have one vacancy remaining which will be advertised shortly. Please contact the Clerk for more information if you are interested
Seven Councillors have been elected uncontested - there are two vacancies which will be filled by Co-option at the May meeting
Annual Parish Meeting - 7pm 6th April 2023 in the Parish Hall Club Room
Parish Councillor elections are in May 2023 - more information can be found on the main tab
Community Volunteer of the year award - make a nomination by February 15th
500 Daffodil bulbs have been planted on the Village Green. These were supplied by a charity in Tiverton.
Doug's Seat has been replaced on School Hill. The old seat was rotten. It has been replaced with a maintenance free recycled seat.
Neighbourhood Plan - Community Forum event is on Saturday 25 February 2023 at the Parish Hall, 10 - 12
New bench in Arboretum - a bench to commemorate the Queens Jubilee has been installed at the arboretum. This was funded by donations from the Jubilee lunch event held at the Rec Ground in June
Road Warden Scheme - is up and running. We have 3 trained co-ordinators that can undertake small pot hole repairs on minor roads, clear vegetation, clearing around drains, gulleys and ditches, directional post repairs and cleaning. To report an issue on line click here or to complete a paper form click here
If you would like to volunteer to help with the scheme please contact the Clerk. We can match skills and ability to the jobs list. No previous experience needed as full training will be given and tools provided
Road Warden Scheme - watch this space for some exciting news coming shortly!
Community Allotment - is now available - please contact the Clerk for further information
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group formed - further details are posted under Neighbourhood Plan
Village Green - the edges of the Village Green and either side of the path in the middle will be planted as a wildflower meadow.
Grit bin for Kingfisher Close - a grant has been applied for
Road Warden Scheme - a new trailer has been purchased to keep all the tools in. We hope to get the scheme up and running just as soon as DCC gives us the support it promised
Anti-slip surfacing for the new crossing scheduled for installation in April - now installed
Housing Survey - the results are in! They will be posted shortly - posted under Housing Survey
Climate Forum - Saturday 2 April, 9.45 in the Parish Hall
Climate talk - Wednesday 23 March 7pm in the Parish Hall
Annual Parish meeting - Wednesday 6 April 7pm in the Hall at the Parish Hall - Neighbourhood Planning is the topic - come along and find out more and sign up for the Steering Committee to take the plan forward
Housing needs survey - delivered to all houses in the Parish. Please complete by 20 February
Pedestrian Crossing - installed December 2021. Anti-slip surfacing yet to be finished.
Road Warden Scheme - Congratulations to our three volunteers who have passed their Chapter 8 training. We have joined DCC Road Warden Scheme which means the volunteers can carry out minor repairs and maintenance around the parish. We have also been awarded a grant from DCC to buy the necessary tools and equipment so hope to have the scheme up and running from early 2022
Neighbourhood Plan - Councillors agreed to apply to Mid Devon for the parish of Newton St Cyres to be designated as a Neighbourhood Watch Area - MDDC are now running a consultation period from 1 November to 29 November - see Neighbourhood plan on the main page for further information
Raddon Hills Group of Parish Councils - Newton St Cyres Parish Council is pleased to be a founding member of this Group. Formed in 2011, it provides an opportunity for Councillors from neighbouring parishes to meet up on a regular basis to share ideas/best practice and look at common problems and issues faced by parishes.
Current membership are the Parishes of Bickleigh, Brampford Speke, Cadbury, Crediton Hamlets, Huxham, Newton St Cyres, Rewe, Shobrooke, Stockleigh Pomeroy, Stoke Canon, and Thorverton. In addition the relevant District and County Councillors attend. Originally membership was for parishes within the A377, A396 and A3072 triangle but the Group is now keen to expand outside this area. At the last meeting it was agreed to hold meetings quarterly and to expand the membership
Climate Emergency - Councillors are attending two online training sessions with MDDC Climate and Emergency Officer. If you have any ideas about parish actions to help with the emergency, please contact the Parish Clerk
Pedestrian Crossing - due for installation on 25 October 2021 - likely to take around 6 weeks
Dangerous Driving on the A377 - if you witness dangerous driving on the A377 please email details to the We are going to keep a log and share with the Police and DCC. Hopefully this will add evidence to our requests for greater speed monitoring. The log will be posted on this website to.
Climate Change - the Parish Council is supporting DCC Climate Emergency - more details to follow on local plans and actions. We've appointed a Climate Emergency Officer and are grateful to Sue Rowell for taking on the challenge! We look forward to working together to come up with practical suggestions for local action that will make a difference to our carbon footprints.
Covid-19 support - help and support is available from Cllr D Hodge - see link from home page
Annual Parish Meeting - thank you to everyone who came along to express their views on road safety on the A377. We will be sending your comments to Devon County Council in due course
Grit bin for Kingfisher Close - a grant has been requested
Broadband survey - on hold while further investigations are made regarding the voucher scheme which expires in March and discussion with Airband who have been awarded a contract for this area - update as the voucher scheme is no longer available we will not now be sending out a questionnaire.
Pedestrian Crossing - scheduled for installation in August 2021 - see link from home page - view the plans on the Parish Council Noticeboard on the Village Green
11 March 2021 - Annual Parish Meeting - Discussion will be on speeding and road safety on the A377 and the plans for the pedestrian crossing will be shared
Parish Council meetings - back in the Parish Hall from June 2021
New bench for the Village Green - thanks to a grant from Cllr M Squires, a new bench has been purchased for the Village Green
Mid Devon District Council is launching a Call for Sites process to inform a new Local Plan for Mid Devon. The Call for Sites will run from 8 February to 22 March 2021. See MDDC website for more information